Buying At An Auction • Auctioneers of Classic Cars, Supercars, Competition Cars, Automobilia


Buying at a Hampson auction couldn’t be simpler. For anyone hoping to buy at the auction we recommend thoroughly inspecting the lot you’re interested in before bidding as no warranty or guarantee is given with anything that is sold. For this reason our auction venues are open for viewing prior to each auction (please check times on the auction pages).

All bids are final and non-revocable.


Bidder Registration

Clients are required to register to bid at each individual auction. To meet current legislative requirements you will need to provide two forms of ID. One proof of identification in the form of a passport or drivers licence and a recent utility bill as proof of address.

If you are already on our client database then we can print a Bidder’s Registration Form to sign, otherwise you will need to fully complete a form with all your correct details.

There is no cost for registering. You can register on-site for a bidding paddle. Bidding numbers are unique to each auction so you will need a new number for each time you attend.

Should you be unable to attend the auction on the sale day, you can leave a commission bid or register for a telephone bid.

A commission bid is the maximum amount you are willing to bid up to (excluding the buyers premium and VAT). We will execute your bid as low as possible on your behalf.

Telephone bidding will still allow you to bid live. On the day of the sale a member of the Hampson Auction limited team will contact you, usually a few lots prior to your selected lot, and guide you through the process. You can leave a commission bid in the event that we are unable to contact you via telephone.

You can also bid online. Hampson Auction Limited has partnered with Bidpath to allow you to bid live on the sale day from anywhere. We advise that you register at least 48 hours prior to the sale to allow sufficient time for your registration to be approved. You will need to first register for a user account here and then also register to bid at each specific auction that you wish to make bids at.



Catalogue descriptions are produced entirely from information provided by the seller about each Lot, we always advise buyers to view any lot(s) they are interested in – in person. In addition, any lots buyers are interested finding out more about should feel free to inspect any paperwork that is available which will be available from our Documents Office.

All lots are sold on an ‘as seen’ basis. Buyers may wish to bring a competent mechanic along to inspect any motor vehicles of interest on your behalf. The catalogue will describe the lots to the best of our ability on information supplied. You should, however, satisfy yourself as to the condition, age, and integrity of any lot prior to bidding as no warranties whatsoever are given in relation to any lot.

Should you be unable to make it to the auction in person, Hampson Auction Limited can help with clients Photograph Requests and Condition Reports.

Photograph Request: A Hampson Auction Limited team member will take further photographs of the Lot(s) you are interested in and email/WhatsApp them for you to view.

Condition Report: A Hampson Auction Limited specialist will walk round the Lot(s) you are interested in while on the telephone and look at any areas of interest.

PLEASE NOTE: Hampson Auction Limited staff are not vehicle mechanics, the information provided is their honest opinion about what they see in front of them.



Make yourself known to the auctioneer when you wish to bid on the Lot, either by a wave or a shout if they haven’t seen you. Once they have taken a bid from you, they will always come back to you if you have been outbid.


Telephone bidding and commission bidding?

To register a telephone bid against a lot on the website, please download the form below, complete it and send it back to

Telephone / Commission Bidder Form


Online bidding

Online bidding is via our website. You will need to register in order to follow the auction online and bid in real time.

PLEASE NOTE – online bidding incurs an additional fee of 1% plus VAT for motor vehicles, 3% plus VAT for automobillia.

Once the auctioneer drops the hammer a contract is formed, and you are obligated to proceed with the purchase. It is therefore vital that you are satisfied with the condition of the lot you intend to bid upon before doing so.

How fast will the auctioneer go?
The auctioneer will aim to sell approximately 25 – 30 vehicles per hour.



Payment for Lots is required by 5pm the next working day following the auction and can be made by any form of cleared funds.

We accept a variety of payment methods:
Payments must be made in GBP. Debit or credit cards (VISA/Mastercard) will only be accepted where the cardholder is present. Please note we only accept debit card payments up to a maximum of £20,000 and credit card payments up to a maximum of £5,000. Cash to a maximum of £5,000 can be accepted from any one individual in a 90 day period.
Bank transfers are preferable and made over the weekend will not show in our bank account until the Monday morning.

Lots purchased can only be released upon receipt of funds. You should ensure that you have the necessary monies available and are able to pay before you bid.

We are unable to accept funds from countries on the Financial Action Task Force High Risk and Non-Cooperative Jurisdiction Lists.

Should payment not be received by then, any Lot(s) will be taken into storage at the Buyer’s expense.



Like all classic car auctioneers, Hampson Auction Limited charge what is known as a buyer’s premium. Our standard buyer’s premium charges are 12.5% of the hammer price for motor vehicles, motorcycles and registrations. Buyer’s premium is subject to VAT at the prevailing rate on the day of the auction.

PLEASE NOTE – Online bidding incurs an additional fee of 1% plus VAT for motor vehicles.


We operate the Auctioneers Margin scheme.
VAT charged on the buyer’s premium cannot be shown separately on the invoice and cannot be reclaimed by the buyer.



All purchases are at the Buyers risk from the fall of the hammer. You should then arrange insurance from this point.

Lot Collection

Removal of Lots can take place once the auction has finished and up until 1pm on the following day. Please contact us for our preferred transport agents for your area if you are unable to collect yourself.

Any lots not collected by this time shall be removed to storage at the buyer’s expense in accordance with our terms and conditions.

A motor vehicle removal fee of between £170 and £190 plus VAT will be incurred.

Additional storage is charged at £10 per day plus VAT. Buyers should satisfy themselves that they have all relevant spares, documents and keys relating to their lot(s) at time of collection. All documents and history files will be secured in the vehicle following the sale.

Written instruction from buyers must be provided if they wish their lot(s) to be collected by an agent.


Registration documentation

All V5c’s are taken back to the office and the change of ownership registered with the DVLA on your behalf by our admin team.

Please note that following a change to legislation in 2014, road tax no longer transfers to the new owner. You will need to tax the vehicle before driving it on the road.


Terms and conditions

This guide should be read in conjunction with our full terms and conditions of sale.



For your complimentary valuation for sale to enter your vehicle into one of our premium auctions please call our specialists on 01606 828124, send an email to or click here.


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